Wishful Thinking


© 2010 Mellanie Collins

Oh how I’ve been missing drawing!  After starting a new job and succombing to some nasty and persisent sinus funk, I’ve not been able to get much drawing done for the last month –or even this month.   The sketching I’ve managed hasn’t been worth sharing.

I did manage to do this sketch in March.  It’s from a picture I took of myself in December.  Even though it’s a bit rough in places, I like the expression I captured.  And yes, my teeth are that crooked.  Oh I wish I felt this bright and happy!

But this too shall pass.  I’ll feel better.  I’ll be drawing again.  And then I will be happy.

Take good care of yourselves.  Keep drawing!

Published by Mellanie C

sketch artist, daydreamer Figurative artist specializing in small format art and portraits.

8 thoughts on “Wishful Thinking

  1. It’s a wonderful sketch, Melanie, and I do hope you start feeling better soon! Not being able to do much art, why, that is akin to having another miserable symptom of illness! … “What were your symptoms?” ” eh, headache, sore throat, couldn’t sketch”. Sounds horrendous! Get well soon!


  2. Wow, Melanie, your drawings are always fantastic. Everytime I visit here, I feel like I need to pull out my sketchbook and try some more!


  3. Good to see you back Mellanie. Sorry to hear about the problems but as you say all things pass. You are excellent at sketching yourself. Whenever I try it always resembles somebody else…lol.


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