More Ink and Watercolor: Looking Forward

ATC:  Looking Forward II
2.5" x 3.5" ink and watercolor

My watercolor experiments continue.  So far my favorite colors for portraits are:

  • scarlet lake
  • raw sienna
  • golden yellow
  • french ultramarine
  • violet
  • a touch of burnt sienna

I mix scarlet lake and raw sienna on the palette for the base color.  After that I go wet into wet and and apply an individual color on the painting moving it around to see how it looks.  I let it dry for a bit and then apply another color.

I’m getting so excited about this medium!  Do any of you have any favorite instruction videos to recommend?  If you could leave them for me  in the comments section I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Published by Mellanie C

sketch artist, daydreamer Figurative artist specializing in small format art and portraits.

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