More Drawing in Public

I tried drawing while I was in line getting my driver’s license renewed. This guy was really fidgety so he grabbed my attention. He looks a lot more patient in the drawing. The whole time I was drawing these guys in the back were laughing and talking. I got so paranoid. I knew they couldn’tContinue reading “More Drawing in Public”

My Favorite Tool

This is my entry for Everyday Matters challenge 16. It’s my Leatherman tool and it’s got needlenose pliers, a straight knife, scissors, three screwdrivers, a phillips screwdriver, a bottle opener and a corkscrew. When it’s folded up it’s around 3 inches (8cm) but it weighs a ton. I think my husband and I got thisContinue reading “My Favorite Tool”

Drawing in Public

These little sketches may not seem like much, but to me they represent a personal victory. I finally got up the nerve to draw in public again. When I was a teenager I drew all the time. I drew during class, during lunch, on the bus. I can’t remember when I actually stopped. Probably whenContinue reading “Drawing in Public”

Neck and Neck

Last week I drew this in my journal. I was trying to write about current events instead of my usual self-absorbed scribblings about what I was feeling. Even I find that boring upon rereading. Anyway, since the Wisconsin and Hawaii contests are today, I thought I might as well post this little drawing here. IfContinue reading “Neck and Neck”

Thanks For Your Support!

Instead of the usual picture and a lot of gabbing about me, I want to chat about you, the readers. I’ll be posting more art shortly. When I started this blog in December I had my doubts as to whether anyone would come to visit. So as I start my third month of blogging I’dContinue reading “Thanks For Your Support!”

Origami? I’d rather not.

  I went on a brief origami binge a few years ago. I was obviously trying to punish myself for something. I found a couple of my creations tucked in a corner. They really didn’t come out too badly, but I remember that making them was tortuous. Folding and creasing, pulling and folding. Sighing andContinue reading “Origami? I’d rather not.”

Another Everyday Matters Challenge

I’m still jumping around my Everyday Matters list. My eye landed on number 53, draw a mouth. For this challenge, I decided to draw my own mouth. Everyday Matters is a wonderful creative community on Yahoo. I really enjoy my time there. If you are interested check us out: If you’re just curious aboutContinue reading “Another Everyday Matters Challenge”

Paying Attention to My Keys

I don’t pay much attention to my keys. Sure, I keep track of where they are (most of the time) and I handle them everyday. I even occasionally use them as an indicator of my stress level: ME: Where the @!#&*!!! are my keys?! DH: Um, they’re in your hand, hon… ME: Oh. It wasContinue reading “Paying Attention to My Keys”

And now for those resolutions…

I thought I would put up one last picture in case I’m not able to leave another post before the new year. I did a self-portrait with colored pencils. It relates to one of my resolutions listed below. Now for resolutions for 2008. If I had a dollar for every resolution that I followed throughContinue reading “And now for those resolutions…”

Another go at the phone…

After my little snit about my supposedly sucky drawing, I had another go at the phone. It’s such a lovely phone. It has so many sexy curves and such a satisfying heft to it when you pick up the receiver. I love the way the light hits it. The more attention I give to it,Continue reading “Another go at the phone…”